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About me

I am an experience researcher, strategist, and designer. After graduating from Georgia Tech with an undergraduate degree in Industrial Design, I first worked as a graphic designer and interface developer. When I became interested in information architecture and user experience, I moved to Toronto to earn my graduate degree in Information Studies from University of Toronto. My graduate studies focused on information systems, knowledge media design, and accessibility.

Since graduating, I have worked with clients for over 10 years spanning many industries including healthcare, education, technology, retail, and insurance on projects related to design thinking, user research, and experience strategy, and service design. Most of my projects involve understanding and documenting how products and services fit into the context of people’s lives. I love to conduct qualitative research, lead workshops, develop design artifacts, and provide both strategic and tactical recommendations. I am a big believer in using co-design techniques in projects to allow stakeholders to be involved as partners. 

My resume is available upon request.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


My strength is translating research findings into actionable recommendations.

Constantly adapting

In the past few years, I have adjusted many of my techniques to account for distributed teams and remote work. I have planned and facilitated remote workshops, video interviews, and other research using online tools.

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